Thursday 21 June 2012

Within the Government of the Islamic Java / Indonesia turned to each other, while the state of Indonesia was born on lies and coercion by force of arms from the actions of government Islamic Java / Indonesia itself.

Indonesia State Failure, Golkar: 'Warning' Create the Government - Thursday, June 21, 2012 11:55 pm
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Indonesia State Failure, Golkar: 'Warning' Create the Government
Setya Novanto
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Chairman of Golkar Party faction in the House of Representatives, Setya Novanto, hoping the government makes the Failed State Index (Failed States Index) which put Indonesia in 2012 ranked 63 out of 178 countries, as a mirror to clean in all areas.
"I regard it as an early warning to be more vigilant. Think of it as a mirror to clean up the country," said Setya, Thursday (06/21/2012).
According Setya, revamping was done by the state must be present to guarantee citizens' rights to basic needs, ensuring safety for all groups, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the equity between citizens, between regions and between regions.
In the economic sector, the government should raise the economy pertumbuahan 6.5 percent to 7 percent and the maximum inflation pressure.
In the legal sector, the government can no longer do nullifying the phenomenon of violence, social injustice and abuse of power. "The government should also improve the service functions of institutions and law enforcement agencies in order to serve and protect all citizens," he explained.
Golkar Party's treasurer warned that Indonesia's economic growth has recently reached 6.3 percent from 6.5 percent in APBNP targets in 2011, the trade deficit in April had reached 650 billion U.S. Dollars, the limitation of fuel (fuel oil) is not running thus exceeded the quota of subsidized fuel, and oil lifting Indonesia far below the target, which is approximately 900 barrels per day.
"Of the 40 million KL (kilo liters) swelled to about 43 million KL thus increasing energy subsidies," he concluded.

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Indonesia Negara Gagal, Golkar: 'Warning' Buat Pemerintah - Kamis, 21 Juni 2012 11:55 WIB
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Indonesia Negara Gagal, Golkar: 'Warning' Buat Pemerintah
Setya Novanto
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Ketua Fraksi Partai Golkar di DPR RI, Setya Novanto, berharap pemerintah menjadikan Indeks Negara Gagal (Failed States Index) 2012 yang menempatkan Indonesia di peringkat ke-63 dari 178 negara, sebagai cermin agar berbenah di segala bidang.
"Saya menganggap itu sebagai peringatan dini untuk lebih waspada. Anggap saja itu sebagai cermin agar negara berbenah," kata Setya, Kamis (21/6/2012).
Menurut Setya, pembenahan itu dilakukan dengan cara negara harus hadir untuk menjamin hak-hak warga negara terhadap kebutuhan dasar, menjamin rasa aman untuk semua kelompok, menghilangkan diskriminasi, dan mempercepat pemerataan antarwarga, antardaerah, dan antarwilayah.
Di sektor ekonomi, pemerintah harus menaikkan pertumbuahan ekonomi 6,5 persen ke 7 persen dan menekan secara maksimal inflasi.
Di sektor hukum, pemerintah tidak boleh lagi melakukan pembiaran atas fenomena kekerasan, ketimpangan sosial dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan. "Pemerintah juga harus meningkatkan fungsi institusi pelayanan dan lembaga penegak hukum agar dapat melayani dan mengayomi seluruh warga," jelasnya.
Bendahara Umum Partai Golkar itu mengingatkan, bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia saat ini baru mencapai 6,3 persen dari target 6,5 persen dalam APBNP 2011, defisit perdagangan pada April sudah mencapai 650 miliar Dolar Amerika Serikat, pembatasan BBM (Bahan Bakar Minyak) tidak berjalan sehingga kuota BBM bersubsidi terlampaui, dan lifting minyak Indonesia jauh di bawah target, yakni kurang lebih 900 barel per hari saja.
"Dari 40 juta KL (kilo liter) membengkak menjadi sekitar 43 juta KL sehingga meningkatkan subsidi energi," pungkasnya.

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