Monday 15 October 2012

06102010 President Terrorist Indonesia: Susilo Bambang yudhoyono cancel the trip to Netherlands

National News Indonesia, namely: TVOne. This news about the statement of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to delay the continuation of the journey to the Netherlands as the Dutch Queen's invitation and also an invitation from Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Statement of the President of Indonesia is as follows below:

"On my visit to the Netherlands actually means is: the one that we had planned, but I have to say it in the final hours before from my troupe, which traveled to the Netherlands, there is the situation in the Netherlands, which requires me to take attitude and then take a decision which is certainly in our behalf. In short the last days there is a movement in the Hague, wherein the prosecution filed to the court in The Hague, to question the human rights issues in Indonesia, and even asked the court to arrest the President of Indonesia at the time of visit to Holland.

That demand is from a Dutch citizen, but also there are organizations, including those which called itself as the RMS (Republic of South Moluccas), but which can not for I accepted is, when the President of the Republic of Indonesia visit to The Hague, the Netherlands, at the invitation of Queen of the Netherlands, and also at the invitation of Dutch Prime Minister, at that moment during the visit to the Netherlands, has held a court, which among others, to decide the prosecution for the arrest of the President of the Republic of Indonesia. Indeed, the RMS (Republic of South Maluku) deal with political issues like that, but if I do still visit to the Netherlands, will only lead to misperceptions, misunderstandings and psychological situation that is not good, for Indonesia, for me, that until such it, held court at the time of my visit there, it is about our dignity as a nation, our honor as a nation concerned, so I took the decision to postpone".


Prosecution freedom fighters RMS (Republic of South Maluku) during the trial to face threats and demands and requests from the government of Java / Indonesia against the Dutch government to stop the activities of the Moluccas in the Netherlands in the prosecution of sovereign independence of the Moluccas which has been deprived of the means of coercion by the government of Java / Indonesia in 1950. Note: On the first link below it will be on Dutch language as the news, so you may use the google's translate to understand the situation, thank you.

Why is the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his government are afraid to face the demands of Maluku freedom fighters prosecution in the Netherlands on the issue of human rights that has occurred in the country of Indonesia for the actions of the government's Islamic Java Indonesia? The reasons can be followed on the news link below as events in which the real has happened and is happening in the colonization of the Islamic government of Java / Indonesia which is immoral:

1). You can look at the link Karen Parker JD, which has clarified the history of the struggle of the Moluccas in 1950.

Alexander Manuputty: Proclamation of the RMS is not the Makar on 25/4/1950

RMS is valid, the RIS is legitimate, NKRI (the Unitary Republic of Indonesia) is not valid. 2).

Indonesian President SBY (Yudhoyono) supports the Laskar Jihad:

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