Wednesday 31 October 2012

Minutes after taking off from Halim Perdanakusumah Airport in East Jakarta, lawmakers and politicians demanded the president not kneel in front of Queen Elizabeth II when receiving his honorary knighthood today.

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Protocol and Papua Set to Cloud SBY’s London Visit
Arientha Primanita &Markus Junianto Sihaloho | October 31, 2012
The flags of Indonesia and the United Kingdom fly in London ahead of a state visit by the Indonesian president. (AFP Photo/Leon Neal) The flags of Indonesia and the United Kingdom fly in London ahead of a state visit by the Indonesian president. (AFP Photo/Leon Neal)
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono left for Britain on Tuesday for a state visit, packing two issues that could embarrass him at home and abroad.

Minutes after taking off from Halim Perdanakusumah Airport in East Jakarta, lawmakers and politicians demanded the president not kneel in front of Queen Elizabeth II when receiving his honorary knighthood today.

The president is set to receive the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath medal.

Dradjat Wibowo, deputy chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN), which is part of Yudhoyono’s coalition, said that as a president and head of state, Yudhoyono must not kneel in front of another head of state.

“We haven’t heard about how the ceremony will be conducted but for the sake of the nation’s honor, there should not be any kneeling and dubbing,” he said.

Dradjat said that Ronald Reagan did not kneel when he received the medal in 1989, even as a former president of the United States.

Eva Kusuma Sundari, a lawmaker from the opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), supported Dradjat, saying that Yudhoyono must consider the nation’s sovereignty and image when he receives the medal. She also highlighted the political backlash Yudhoyono might receive in Indonesia.

The other issue clouding the trip is last month’s announcement made by the Britain-based Papua independence group, Free West Papua Campaign.

The group offered a reward of 50,000 British pounds ($80,000) to anyone who places Yudhoyono under “citizen’s arrest” during his visit to Britain.

The group accuses Yudhoyono of human rights offenses in his handling of the restive Papua provinces.

The announcement suggests that Yudhoyono will be met with a demonstration by Papuans living in London, the center for the Papuan independent movement.

Shortly after the group made its announcement, the British government guaranteed the safety of Yudhoyono during his visit. Presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said that the announcement created “discomfort.”

“We’ve got the assurance from the police in Great Britain that they won’t let anything happen, and that [the president’s security] will be fully guaranteed,” Julian said.

“The British government and especially the queen have invited the president [to come] because he is known to be a figure who has played a significant role in advancing democracy in Indonesia,” Julian said. “To be honest, this is uncomfortable for us. The reward offer to arrest the president is considered an insult to a state symbol, especially because it is made by a group of people who probably have certain political interests.”

Julian stated that the Indonesian government has yet to make a decision on whether it will take any action against the group in response to its reward offer.

Yudhoyono has indicated that the visit was too important to be canceled over the issue.

Just before taking off, the president told reporters that the relationship between Indonesia and Britain continues to flourish.

“Bilateral trade between the two countries has reached nearly $3 billion,” Yudhoyono said. “During the third quarter, Britain was the second-largest investor in Indonesia after Singapore.”

Yudhoyono is slated to be in London for three days.

Besides attending several state events attended by Queen Elizabeth II while in London, Yudhoyono will also hold bilateral meetings with Prime Minister David Cameron, the Prince of Wales, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg and opposition leader Ed Miliband.

He is scheduled to fly to Laos on Saturday to attend the 9th summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).

The president will be accompanied by his wife Ani and government officials.

Yudhoyono and Cameron both serve as leaders of a United Nations committee planning international poverty relief.
Error and evil of the whole government in Jakarta to every nation in the former Dutch colony, it will haunt the government of Islamic Java / Indonesia in Jakarta, where the claim or matters relating to politics which has occurred in the country of Indonesia today on the lawsuit in a foreign link.

There is no specific group for the prosecution to return sovereignty to West Papua, or as well as the Moluccas, it was all a news statement from Jakarta, because the limitation of democracy is limited by the central government in Jakarta is for the benefit of colonization for the benefit of Jakarta in Maluku and West Papua.

Of all the Indonesian president to use military and police as a slave state for their political crimes can be achieved, as there are 2 in the state ideology of Indonesia.

Right to life of civilians and security personnel must removed without reason.

A worker from the agency humanitarian organizations to be treated like this, especially the threatment of military and police against the West Papuan independence fighters prosecution and Maluku, very brutal to be treated by the Indonesian military and police.

The UN should be implementing policies about legality of Maluku, West Papua and others in Indonesia regime


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Protokol dan Papua Set Visit London Cloud SBY
Arientha Primanita & Markus Junianto Sihaloho | 31 Oktober 2012
Bendera Indonesia dan Inggris terbang di London menjelang kunjungan kenegaraan oleh Presiden Indonesia. (AFP Photo / Leon Neal) Bendera Indonesia dan Inggris terbang di London menjelang kunjungan kenegaraan oleh Presiden Indonesia. (AFP Photo / Leon Neal)
Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono berangkat ke Inggris pada Selasa untuk kunjungan kenegaraan, kemasan dua hal yang bisa mempermalukan dia di rumah dan di luar negeri.

Menit setelah lepas landas dari Bandara Halim Perdanakusumah di Jakarta Timur, anggota parlemen dan politisi menuntut presiden tidak berlutut di depan Ratu Elizabeth II saat menerima gelar ksatria kehormatan hari ini.

Presiden diatur untuk menerima Knight Grand Cross dari Ordo medali Bath.

Dradjat Wibowo, wakil ketua dari Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN), yang merupakan bagian dari koalisi Yudhoyono, mengatakan bahwa sebagai presiden dan kepala negara, Yudhoyono tidak harus berlutut di depan kepala negara lain.

"Kami belum mendengar tentang bagaimana upacara akan dilakukan, tetapi demi kehormatan bangsa, ada tidak boleh ada berlutut dan dubbing," katanya.

Dradjat mengatakan bahwa Ronald Reagan tidak berlutut saat ia menerima medali pada tahun 1989, bahkan sebagai mantan presiden Amerika Serikat.

Eva Kusuma Sundari, anggota parlemen dari oposisi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P), didukung Dradjat, mengatakan bahwa Yudhoyono harus mempertimbangkan kedaulatan bangsa dan citra ketika ia menerima medali. Dia juga menyoroti Yudhoyono reaksi politik yang mungkin diterima di Indonesia.

Masalah lain mengaburkan perjalanan adalah pengumuman bulan lalu yang dibuat oleh kelompok berbasis di Inggris kemerdekaan Papua, Papua Barat Gratis Kampanye.

Kelompok ini menawarkan hadiah sebesar 50.000 poundsterling Inggris ($ 80.000) kepada siapa saja yang menempatkan Yudhoyono bawah "penangkapan warga negara" selama kunjungannya ke Inggris.

Kelompok ini menuduh Yudhoyono pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dalam penanganan provinsi Papua bergolak.

Pengumuman ini menunjukkan bahwa Yudhoyono akan bertemu dengan demonstrasi dengan hidup orang Papua di London, pusat untuk gerakan independen Papua.

Tak lama setelah kelompok membuat pengumuman, pemerintah Inggris menjamin keamanan Yudhoyono selama kunjungannya. Juru Bicara Kepresidenan Julian Aldrin Pasha mengatakan bahwa pengumuman yang dibuat "ketidaknyamanan."

"Kami sudah mendapat kepastian dari polisi di Inggris bahwa mereka tidak akan membiarkan sesuatu terjadi, dan bahwa [keamanan presiden] akan sepenuhnya dijamin," kata Julian.

"Pemerintah Inggris dan terutama ratu telah mengundang presiden [datang] karena ia dikenal sebagai sosok yang telah memainkan peran penting dalam memajukan demokrasi di Indonesia," kata Julian. "Sejujurnya, ini tidak nyaman bagi kita. Tawaran hadiah untuk menangkap presiden dianggap penghinaan terhadap simbol negara, terutama karena dibuat oleh sekelompok orang yang mungkin memiliki kepentingan politik tertentu. "

Julian menyatakan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia belum membuat keputusan mengenai apakah akan mengambil tindakan terhadap kelompok dalam menanggapi tawaran pahalanya.

Yudhoyono telah menunjukkan bahwa kunjungan itu terlalu penting untuk dibatalkan atas masalah ini.

Sesaat sebelum lepas landas, presiden mengatakan kepada wartawan bahwa hubungan antara Indonesia dan Inggris terus berkembang.

"Perdagangan bilateral antara kedua negara telah mencapai hampir $ 3 miliar," kata Yudhoyono. "Selama kuartal ketiga, Inggris adalah investor kedua terbesar di Indonesia setelah Singapura."

Yudhoyono dijadwalkan berada di London selama tiga hari.

Selain menghadiri acara-acara beberapa negara dihadiri oleh Ratu Elizabeth II, sementara di London, Yudhoyono juga akan mengadakan pertemuan bilateral dengan Perdana Menteri David Cameron, Pangeran Wales, pemimpin Liberal Demokrat Nick Clegg dan pemimpin oposisi Ed Miliband.

Dia dijadwalkan untuk terbang ke Laos pada hari Sabtu untuk menghadiri KTT ke-9 Pertemuan Asia-Eropa (ASEM).

Presiden akan didampingi oleh Ibu Ani dan pejabat pemerintah.

Yudhoyono dan Cameron baik berfungsi sebagai pemimpin bantuan PBB komite perencanaan penanganan kemiskinan internasional.
Dari semua presiden Indonesia untuk menggunakan militer dan polisi sebagai negara budak untuk kejahatan politik mereka dapat dicapai, karena ada 2 dalam ideologi negara Indonesia.

Hak untuk hidup warga sipil dan aparat keamanan harus dihapus tanpa alasan.

Seorang pekerja dari organisasi lembaga kemanusiaan untuk diperlakukan seperti ini, terutama sosialisasi penanganan militer dan polisi terhadap penuntutan pejuang kemerdekaan Papua Barat dan Maluku, sangat brutal untuk diperlakukan oleh militer Indonesia dan polisi.

PBB harus menerapkan kebijakan tentang legalitas Maluku, Papua Barat dan lain-lain dalam rezim Indonesia

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